Par 36, 9-hole course of 2,904 yards is challenging and fun for all.

Rules and Etiquette
USGA rules govern play
except as modified by local rules.
Local Rules
- Out of Bounds:
- Row of trees on right of No. 1
- White stakes behind 1, 3, 5 and 8
- Right of No. 4 and 5
- RULE: Loss of distance and one stroke penalty.
- Ball may be played out of ditch, sinkhole, rough and water without penalty.
- If taken out, a 2 club lengths from the obstacle and no closer to the green.
- One stroke penalty.
- Ball striking wires
- on 2, 5, 6 and 8 may be replayed without penalty.
- Each player must have a bag and clubs and is required to register in the club house before playing.
- Use golf etiquette.
- Keep all carts at least 20 feet from tees and greens.
- Repair ball marks.
- Replace divots.
- Rake sand traps.